wtorek, 29 grudnia 2009

A Quick Note From a Dentist

OK, so I wear braces. Last time when I went to my orthdontist (a dentist who has been specially trained to do orthodontics) I asked him about discoloration of teeth and stuff. I'm obessed with a perfect smile ;)
So as we all know it's caused by different kinds of food, coffee, red wine and tea. And he told me that especially green tea makes most of discolorations out of all teas... :(
What a bummer. I love green tea!!!
I'm still gonna drink it though :)

If you're a tea lover as myself I thought you should know.


piątek, 18 grudnia 2009

Recipe: Tiramisu

Hello girls!!
I'm not the best cook, so all the recipes I share with you are VERY easy, but yummy :) I also don't like to spend half a day in a kitchen...
By practicing this way (by cooking easy things) I noticed I became a bit better cook. I hope this post won't bore you but actually will be helpful and will make you wanna try it.

So right now time for non-alcoholic TIRAMISU! Tiramisu is a famous Italian cake.
Very easy! Delicious! No baking.

Ingredients that you'll need:

4 eggs, lady finger biscuits, 12 Tablespoons of icing sugar or regular sugar, 250g of mascarpone cheese, a mug of strong coffee, cocoa


1. Mix all of the 4 yolks with 8 Tbl spoons of sugar for about 10 minutes untill you get that creamy consistency.


2. Add mascarpone cheese to it and mix it with the spoon.


3. Now in another bowl, whip the egg whites with a tiny bit of salt (salt stabilizes the whites and adds volume). Use mixer set at medium-high. While you're beating, gradually add the rest of sugar. The foam/cream you'll get need to be pretty hard, can't droop.



4. Mix those 2 creams, that you got, into one. You'll get beautiful creamy mass.


5. Place lady finger biscuits in a form and make them wet with coffee.


6. Cover them with half of the cream you've made.


7. Put another layer of biscuits. Make them wet with coffee as well.


8. Cover it with the rest of the cream.


9. Cover the whole thing with a thin coat of cocoa. It will make it look nice. Put the whole thing to the fridge for 4 hours!


10. This is what it looks like after 4 hours.


11. Enjoy!


czwartek, 29 października 2009

A very cute and touching short story!

A 10 year old boy went to an ice cream shop and asked how much a big cone cost. The waiter said "15 pesos" the boy started counting how much he had in his wallet. Then he asked "how much a small cup costs?" The waiter said "12 pesos". The boy asked for a small cup, he had it and paid the bill, and left. When the waiter came to pick the empty cup, he was touched. The boy had left 3 pesos as a tip for him.

Lesson: try giving something to everyone out of whatever little you have :)

I got this story from Amourous. If you like it as much as I did share it on your blog with your followes.
Thank you Amourous. :)

czwartek, 15 października 2009

Did you know???

A few "Did you know?" facts I found out lately. I've decided to share them with you. Hope you find them interesting as I did. ;)


...that there are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call?

...that a hippo's skin is bulletproof?

...that if the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty?

...that men loose about 40 hairs a day and women loose about 70 hairs a day?

...that your middle fingernail grows the fastest?

...that pork is the world's most widely-eaten meat?

....that botanically speaking, the banana is a herb and the tomato is a fruit?

...that Americans eat twice as much meat as Europeans?

...that the Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book?

...that if California was a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world?

wtorek, 29 września 2009

Recipe: Melon Sorbet

I love easy recipes for yummy things. This is one of them. :) The difference between sorbet and ice cream is that sorbet doesn’t contain milk nor eggs. Thanks to that it has less calories. You can make it using different fruits like strawberries, oranges, raspberries, lime-mint, mango, pineapple and more. But I recommend using melon. It’s my favorite along with mango.


Ingredients:use your favorite kind of melon, powdered sugar, little bit of lemon juice

Blend all the ingredients together in a blender. Then put it to the freezer for about 5 hours. 15 minutes before serving remove from freezer and let stand at room temperature until partially thawed. Blend it again to crush the ice. Enjoy!!!


piątek, 14 sierpnia 2009

Hot? Make Cucumber Water!

Hi guys! The temperature here’s VERY high. I’m melting.
Whenever it’s so hot I taste up water a little bit with cucumber. Add a couple slices of cucumber (scrubbed, but not peeled) to a glass/jug of ice water. It’s very refreshing, calorie-free beverage. Try it out!

And if you get bored you can add a few leaves of mint or a few slices of orange. :)


poniedziałek, 13 lipca 2009

On The Go: Travel Tips

Hello my sweet girls!
Tomorrow I’m going on vacation to Morocco, so I thought of posting blog about my travel tricks. I’m gonna spend there the whole summer, so I won’t be able to write much. Don’t miss me too much! ;D

No matter if it’s a 1-hour flight or flight across the pond I wanna look good while traveling. There’s a lot of problems though…like not being able to bring liquids (only certain amount which is 100 ml = 3 oz.) or make up tools etc.

This is what I do:

1. I carry cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer. If you are in need you can use them to clean your make up or dirt. I use sanitizer for my sticky hands. Wipes are especially great for long flights. I use them to take my eye make up off when I get on the plane, I’m talking especially about mascara.

2. I have with me samples of my favorite moisturizer. Your face gets really dehydrated while flying so having good moisturizing cream is like a “must-have”. I use it usually in certain areas, like around my eyes or on my neck.

3. Because I have a combination skin sometimes it gets shiny around my forehead or nose. If you have a similar problem don’t put another layer of powder. Use blotting papers. Those oil control tissues work really great!!

4. If you want to look fresh when you get out from the airplane apply a little bronzer on your cheeks, concealer under your eyes, nude lip-gloss and fresh layer of mascara. So keep those in your make-up bag.

5. I also have in my purse a nail polish I’m wearing at given time, so if something happens I’ll be able to fix them ;)

6. I let my hair down. If you keep it up it may bother you when you sit and lay your head.

Enjoy your flight!


niedziela, 12 lipca 2009

Summer Clothes

I LOOOOVE all of them! These sets are definitelly my style!

August '09 - Cosmopolitan Poland



sobota, 11 lipca 2009

The Healthiest Food In the World

I’ve read a very interesting article in one of the newspapers recently and I made a deeper research on it. The subject was: the healthiest food in the world. I’d like to share with you what I found. :)
I picked 5 out of the healthiest products to present you:

Green Tea


It’s the healthiest from all the other teas and drinks. It contains anti-aging ingredients which is great for our skin. Also drinking green tea reduces the risk of cancer and lowers bad cholesterol. If you want to clear your body out of toxins, then drinking green tea is the best way to do that. So if you’re a party animal and you drink much alcohol or you eat much of junk food etc. drink 1 cup of green tea a day.



Eating apples reduces the risk of having cancer, asthma and diabetes. They are full of dietary fiber and very important for our bones vitamin K. There’s no better way to control the appetite than eating a half of apple 30 minutes before every meal.



Eating nuts a few times a week may help undo a collection of risk factors for heart disease. Don’t eat them all the time though, because they have a lot of calories.



Good for you if you like garlic. Garlic has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug". It’s not only great for common cold and flu. It’s great almost for everything. It’s like a natural antibiotic. Garlic reduces also the level of bad cholesterol and decreases the risk of stroke.



Almost all kinds of fish contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, very important for our brain and eyes. Salmon, sardines, tuna and even shellfish are rich in omega-3 fatty acid content.

Other very healthy foods are: beans, blueberries, milk, eggs, cabbage, onion and pomegranate juice.

środa, 8 lipca 2009

My Photography: Flowers

Photography is one of my biggest passions. The second one after traveling. I fell in love with photography, taking pictures and being able to catch the moment while I was traveling. I would like to share my works with you.

Tulips. Taken a few months ago.



These are pictures of flowers that grow in my backyard. I took them a few days ago.








niedziela, 5 lipca 2009

Recipe: Avocado Smoothie


I know this recipe for the yummiest smoothie ever from my husband who comes from Morocco. It is very simple to make and soooooooo good and healthy. Avocado is rich in nutritive & restorative ingredients like vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, K, H and minerals like potassium, calcium and phosphorus. So it s very good for us plus it's delicious.

Ingredients: 2 medium-size avocados, 1 liter of low-fat milk, 4 or 5 tablespoons of sugar. I like using brown sugar myself.

Blend all ingredients, in blender first set at medium and then at high. Enjoy!


1 liter = approximately 4.2 cups [US]
1 liter = 33.814 022 559 ounces [US, liquid]

piątek, 3 lipca 2009

Love & Hate


I love pink, coral or raspberry lip glosses and lipsticks. Recently I have fallen in love with Watershine Gloss by Maybelline. It’s my favorite.

I hate sticky lip glosses. Also when I see tones of lip-gloss on someone’s lips…like it wanna melt down. That’s gross.


I love glowing skin that has a hint of bronze. Like a sun kissed glow on the cheeks. I absolutely love to use bronzer to get that effect or Revlon’s SkinLight Face Illuminator – Loose Powder.

I hate when someone's foundation does not match their skin tone or when they put the whole bottle of it on their face. Also it looks horrible when it’s not applied well and you can see the line on their jaws.


I don’t care if your hair is short or long. It’s beautiful when it’s healthy. Shiny, hydrated hair looks gorgeous. I love using liquid silk by BioSilk.

I hate greasy, dry and damaged hair with visible split ends. That’s about it.


I love loooong and curly lashes. I love mascara in black, brown and blue. I also love eyeliner in those 3 colors. Invest in white liner and use for the bottom line, it will give you that fresh look and make your eyes look bigger.

I don’t like eye shadows that are applied very badly. Sometimes it even looks like a black eye.


I love lotions that smell like rice or like cucumber & melon. Recently I got that “yummy” body cream that smells like sweet pineapple. I also love fresh body mists. I also love that self-tanning gel tinted & shimmering by L’Oreal. It gives the skin natural-looking tan.

I hate fake tans that make people look orange. This is just not a good look for a human being considering there are lots of natural looking tanners out there!

Trend Alert: Grey for Summer


Grey is a great color for summer. You know why? Because it's a very universal color. Much more practical and useful than white (you know white gets dirty fast etc.). And much more casual than black. You can also match grey clothes with the colorful ones. Grey is also a color that is never out of fashion, so you'll be able to wear grey clothes in all the seasons. Get grey!!

All the clothes presented in the pictures are from Zara.


poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2009

Purse by Chloe

Gorgeous purse by Chloe. I can't afford it (costs 1595 euros) but I think it's beautiful. It's safari/jungle style. Art!! :)





