sobota, 11 lipca 2009

The Healthiest Food In the World

I’ve read a very interesting article in one of the newspapers recently and I made a deeper research on it. The subject was: the healthiest food in the world. I’d like to share with you what I found. :)
I picked 5 out of the healthiest products to present you:

Green Tea


It’s the healthiest from all the other teas and drinks. It contains anti-aging ingredients which is great for our skin. Also drinking green tea reduces the risk of cancer and lowers bad cholesterol. If you want to clear your body out of toxins, then drinking green tea is the best way to do that. So if you’re a party animal and you drink much alcohol or you eat much of junk food etc. drink 1 cup of green tea a day.



Eating apples reduces the risk of having cancer, asthma and diabetes. They are full of dietary fiber and very important for our bones vitamin K. There’s no better way to control the appetite than eating a half of apple 30 minutes before every meal.



Eating nuts a few times a week may help undo a collection of risk factors for heart disease. Don’t eat them all the time though, because they have a lot of calories.



Good for you if you like garlic. Garlic has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug". It’s not only great for common cold and flu. It’s great almost for everything. It’s like a natural antibiotic. Garlic reduces also the level of bad cholesterol and decreases the risk of stroke.



Almost all kinds of fish contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, very important for our brain and eyes. Salmon, sardines, tuna and even shellfish are rich in omega-3 fatty acid content.

Other very healthy foods are: beans, blueberries, milk, eggs, cabbage, onion and pomegranate juice.

3 komentarze:

  1. Apples it is ! lol

    I tried green tea.. and nope.. not for me XD

  2. Very informative. Thanks for sharing this to us. And yes, I love green tea. I drink it with honey :)

  3. getting my cup of green tea right now! :D
    And I just had a blueberry, hazelnut chocolate cupcake.. does that count?? ;)

