poniedziałek, 13 lipca 2009

On The Go: Travel Tips

Hello my sweet girls!
Tomorrow I’m going on vacation to Morocco, so I thought of posting blog about my travel tricks. I’m gonna spend there the whole summer, so I won’t be able to write much. Don’t miss me too much! ;D

No matter if it’s a 1-hour flight or flight across the pond I wanna look good while traveling. There’s a lot of problems though…like not being able to bring liquids (only certain amount which is 100 ml = 3 oz.) or make up tools etc.

This is what I do:

1. I carry cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer. If you are in need you can use them to clean your make up or dirt. I use sanitizer for my sticky hands. Wipes are especially great for long flights. I use them to take my eye make up off when I get on the plane, I’m talking especially about mascara.

2. I have with me samples of my favorite moisturizer. Your face gets really dehydrated while flying so having good moisturizing cream is like a “must-have”. I use it usually in certain areas, like around my eyes or on my neck.

3. Because I have a combination skin sometimes it gets shiny around my forehead or nose. If you have a similar problem don’t put another layer of powder. Use blotting papers. Those oil control tissues work really great!!

4. If you want to look fresh when you get out from the airplane apply a little bronzer on your cheeks, concealer under your eyes, nude lip-gloss and fresh layer of mascara. So keep those in your make-up bag.

5. I also have in my purse a nail polish I’m wearing at given time, so if something happens I’ll be able to fix them ;)

6. I let my hair down. If you keep it up it may bother you when you sit and lay your head.

Enjoy your flight!


9 komentarzy:

  1. Have a great trip:) I miss summer!

  2. Thank you Funkiimonkee! I love summer too. :)

  3. you are so beautiful,,, it's my pleasure to follow you too :) thanks for dropping by gurl :)

  4. Hi Kasia, hope u'll enjoy ur trip, I will be looking forward ur travelling entries in Morroco, have fun sweetie^^

  5. Great tips! I travel a lot and follow many of those. I hope you have a fantastic time in Morocco - I've always wanted to visit!

    By the way, which country do you currently reside in? Our blog is hosting a giveaway and if you are a US citizen we would like to enter you! :)

  6. Great tips! I think they are all really useful! Especially the one concerning wipes and sanitizer.

  7. thank you for the tips!! will be going on vacation soon this would be helpful!! have fun in morocco! sounds like a great experience =)

  8. Great advice. I agree about leaving your hair loose. I get uncomfortable if its tied up.
    Enjoy your trip
