niedziela, 5 lipca 2009

Recipe: Avocado Smoothie


I know this recipe for the yummiest smoothie ever from my husband who comes from Morocco. It is very simple to make and soooooooo good and healthy. Avocado is rich in nutritive & restorative ingredients like vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, K, H and minerals like potassium, calcium and phosphorus. So it s very good for us plus it's delicious.

Ingredients: 2 medium-size avocados, 1 liter of low-fat milk, 4 or 5 tablespoons of sugar. I like using brown sugar myself.

Blend all ingredients, in blender first set at medium and then at high. Enjoy!


1 liter = approximately 4.2 cups [US]
1 liter = 33.814 022 559 ounces [US, liquid]

6 komentarzy:

  1. That looks sooo yummy! xx Leia

  2. Oh yes...i love this drink so much that i make at least once a week...super duper yummy and filling..i use gula melaka ( a brown sugar from coconut tree,very famous over asia.
    Same ingredient: Fresh milk,avocado,brown sugar and blend...

  3. yup, it is very very yummy and makes you so full. great for breakfast!

  4. I LOVE avocado! I have to try this one day soon. :-)

  5. This looks great! Is there a reason for the lime in the picture? Perhaps this smoothie would taste even better with some lime juice & zest! Can't wait to try this one out!!

  6. I dont't know. I have never tried it with lime, but try it out without first. It's amazingly delicious.
