wtorek, 29 września 2009

Recipe: Melon Sorbet

I love easy recipes for yummy things. This is one of them. :) The difference between sorbet and ice cream is that sorbet doesn’t contain milk nor eggs. Thanks to that it has less calories. You can make it using different fruits like strawberries, oranges, raspberries, lime-mint, mango, pineapple and more. But I recommend using melon. It’s my favorite along with mango.


Ingredients:use your favorite kind of melon, powdered sugar, little bit of lemon juice

Blend all the ingredients together in a blender. Then put it to the freezer for about 5 hours. 15 minutes before serving remove from freezer and let stand at room temperature until partially thawed. Blend it again to crush the ice. Enjoy!!!


4 komentarze:

  1. This is such a great idea! I didn't know these were so easy to make! I shall try! :P

  2. Thanks for sharing this awesome dessert :),will try to make this..glad to hear nice sweet comment from u honey!!

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