środa, 29 czerwca 2011

Outfit | Boyish

How beautiful those fields are??? This is what summer in Poland looks like; at least to me. And a bit of my boring outfit... which I think looks boyish.

Czyż te pola nie są cudowne??? Tak wygląda lato w Polsce; przynajmniej dla mnie. No i odrobina mojego nudnego stoju dnia... który wygląda chyba trochę chłopięco.

freedom t-shirt - MISBHV
shorts - Cubus
shoes - Lidl
armour ring - Asos
nailpolish - Rimmel "Peppermint"

If you would like to ask me something, ask HERE. Not in a comment box.

czwartek, 23 czerwca 2011

Outfit | A Burst Of Orange

Maybe some of you will totally hate me for what I'm going to say, but I really dislike the mix of orange and pink together. It's such a popular set in Poland nowadays that seeing it makes me sick. Remember, if something is so popular and overrated - it loses its uniqueness and style! And for sure it's not fashionable anymore. Orange itself is great for summer in my opinion. And this sleeveless blouse definitely brings a pop of color in my closet.

Może niektórzy z Was mnie znienawidzą za to co zaraz napiszę, ale naprawdę nie podoba mi się mix pomarańczu z różem. Jest to tak popularny zestaw  ostatnio w Polsce, że aż rzygać się chce. Pamiętajcie, że jeśli coś jest tak bardzo popularne i przereklamowane i widać to na każdym kroku, to traci to swoją wyjątkowość i styl. A już napewno przestaje być modne. Pomarańczowy sam w sobie jest świetnym kolorem na lato moim zdaniem. A ta koszula bez rękawów zdecydowanie wnosi zastrzyk koloru do mojej szafy.

sheer sleeveless blouse - Asos
cream pants - Cubus
shoes - Asos
watch - Casio
rings - H&M, Orsay, Asos
nailpolish - Sally Hansen "Mandarin Mantra"

If you have any questions, ask them HERE. Not in a comment box.

niedziela, 19 czerwca 2011

Outfit | A Walk With My Puppy

Here are some pictures from today's walk with my dog Odie. It's super hard to take pictures of her as she can't stand in one place for too long. She's only 3 months old and her favorite things to do are running, jumping and biting everything. She's just all over the place. Literally! And on to my outfit: it's very basic and comfy. And by the way... No, I'm not Libra. That's all folks! :)

Oto kilka zdjęć z mojego dzisiejszego spaceru z moim pieskiem Odie. Bardzo trudno zrobić jej jakieś zdjęcie żeby się nie kręciła, bo jest bardzo żywym maluszkiem. Ma 3 miesiące i uwielbia biegać, skakać i wszystko gryźć. Poprostu wszędzie jej pełno. Dosłownie! Przechodząc do mojego stroju: jest bardzo prosty i wygodny. I tak przy okazji... nie nie jestem zodiakalną wagą. To wszystko na dziś! :)

biker jacket - New Look
top - Topshop
pants - Zara
shoes - H&M
ear cuff - Asos
men's watch - Casio
b&w bracelet - H&M
hamsa bracelet - from Morocco

If you have any questions, ask them HERE. Not in a comment box.

sobota, 18 czerwca 2011

Recipe | Potato and Carrot Cream Soup

It's been a long time since I posted my last recipe. So here's another one, which is very easy just like all of the things I cook. This time I'm showing you how I make a cream soup which I like a lot. It's filling to the stomach, low in calories and very yummy.

Ingredients: a piece of chicken (it can be a leg or wings or even a breast with skin on), potatos, carrots, salt and pepper (you can also add a small onion, which is optional)

1. All you need to do is to cook all of the ingredients together, just like you would make a broth. You can use chicken or beef stock cube instead of meat, which I do sometimes when I'm in a hurry. Using meat is healthier though.
2. When it's cooked and veggies are soft, put the veggies to a blender with a cup or two of the broth and blend it all together.


If you have any questions, ask them HERE. Not in a comment box.

sobota, 11 czerwca 2011

My Week In Pictures

My random outfit

I was trying on this cute dress in Zara. It's way too short for me, but if you're looking for a cute beach dress I think this one is perfect.

I also tried  this crochet top on at H&M. I think it's cute, but I didn't buy it either.

Starbucks with a friend is a must!

On a walkabout.

Received a small order from asos.com.

And last, but not least, I wanna introduce you to a great online store La Dama, where you can get these fabulous YSL inspired rings and so many other great stuff. I really wish I could own like almost all the clothes and accessories they offer.

If you have any questions, ask them HERE. Not in a comment box.

czwartek, 9 czerwca 2011

Outfit | When I Die Bury Me In The Clothes Of My Youth

If you follow me on Twitter you already know that I had a problem with a charger to my laptop. My puppy Odie bit the wire of the charger, so I was looking for a new one. But I came across that I could actually fix, so that's what I did. I'm glad it's working, so I can post an outfit for you guys!

Jeśli śledzicie mnie na Twitterze to już wiecie, że miałam problemy z ładowarką do mojego laptopa. A konkretnie to mój piesek Odie przegryzł od niej kabel (tak to jest ze szczeniaczkami). Już myślałm, że będę musiała kupować nową, ale okazało się, że da się to naprawić. Bardzo się cieszę, że działa i mogę wrzucić na bloga mój ostatni outfit.

tribal top - Asos
wine cardi - Urban Outfitters
boyfriend jeans - New Yorker
flats - Reserved
bag - Zara
men's watch - Casio
armour ring - Asos
nailpolish - Essie "Sand Tropez"

If you have any questions, ask them HERE. Not in a comment box.

niedziela, 5 czerwca 2011

∆ ∇ Lunch Time ∆ ∇

My bestie Gosia and I at lunch. Can you tell we are addicted? 

If you have any questions, ask them HERE.

czwartek, 2 czerwca 2011

Outfit | This Is Your World. Shape It Or Someone Else Will.

biker jacket - New Look
denim shirt - H&M
dress - Reserved
purse - Etorebka
boots - Forever21
nailpolish - H&M "U Must Have This"