piątek, 16 kwietnia 2010

Recipe | Chicken Breasts and Roasted Potatoes

Hi everyone!
If you have been following me for a while you know that the recipes I share with you are super easy. Try making this yummy meal, because it's fast, easy and very very tasty.


- chicken breasts
- spices (the ones you like; can be only salt and pepper)
- mayonnaise
- onion
- mushrooms
- cheese (can be mozzarella)

1. Every chicken breast cut on two thin pieces as shown in the picture.

2. I put the spices on the chicken and put it in the form.

3. Then, you put a pretty thick layer of mayo on top.

4. Next, the layer of onion.

5. Layer of mushrooms.

6. Cheese on top.

7. At the end , you put everything to the oven for about 30 mins, the oven is set to about 200 Centigrades (aprox. 390 Fahrenheit)


- potatoes
- cheese
- herbs
1. You cook washed, but unpeeled potatoes and put them to the separated form.

2. You cut the potatoes on halves and take a little bit of the insides out.

3. Put cheese and herbs, that you like, inside. And you put it to the oven as well for about 20 mins.

Final Look

Sorry for a post this long. I hope you got through it. ;-)

14 komentarzy:

  1. OMG the food looks so yummy! I have to try this. My husband will be very thankful to you. =P

  2. That looks so good, it's making me hungry! I will give this recipe a try soon, it sounds so easy!

  3. this looks yummy....I would have to try this...but I should pass on mushrooms...hehe...I'm allergic....and thanks for sharing...

  4. Wow they look so yummy ! Too bad I can't cook . Ahhh .

  5. omg looks gooooooooooood! and simple must try! thanks!

  6. I'm truly wondering what the mayo tastes like after it has been in the oven.. Doesn't eat feel like eating a spoon of mayo?
    Haha - well it looks damn tasty

    ps; im following you!

  7. Oh wow you give me an amazing idea! Thank u so much! I'm going to try it!!! Xoxo

  8. omggggg~ so yummy ! can i try some?

  9. Thanks for the recipe! They look so yummy! :)

  10. we need to have dinner together some time. you cook, i eat. lolllllzzz

  11. Really looks yummy, Kasia! Now you make me remember all the great food from Europe that I haven't eaten for over 2 months. I miss some. Especially the potatoes in the oven, we make them in a similar way like you. :)

  12. Kasia, you rock! Thanks for sharing this recipe, it's definitely something I'd LOVE to try and make! I really like cooking too, but only do so on occasions. I love making cakes and pies, my lemon meringue is delicious if I say so myself :)
    Hope your Sunday is a nice one! XO

  13. So yummy, thanks for a good food tip:)
