wtorek, 29 grudnia 2009

A Quick Note From a Dentist

OK, so I wear braces. Last time when I went to my orthdontist (a dentist who has been specially trained to do orthodontics) I asked him about discoloration of teeth and stuff. I'm obessed with a perfect smile ;)
So as we all know it's caused by different kinds of food, coffee, red wine and tea. And he told me that especially green tea makes most of discolorations out of all teas... :(
What a bummer. I love green tea!!!
I'm still gonna drink it though :)

If you're a tea lover as myself I thought you should know.


piątek, 18 grudnia 2009

Recipe: Tiramisu

Hello girls!!
I'm not the best cook, so all the recipes I share with you are VERY easy, but yummy :) I also don't like to spend half a day in a kitchen...
By practicing this way (by cooking easy things) I noticed I became a bit better cook. I hope this post won't bore you but actually will be helpful and will make you wanna try it.

So right now time for non-alcoholic TIRAMISU! Tiramisu is a famous Italian cake.
Very easy! Delicious! No baking.

Ingredients that you'll need:

4 eggs, lady finger biscuits, 12 Tablespoons of icing sugar or regular sugar, 250g of mascarpone cheese, a mug of strong coffee, cocoa


1. Mix all of the 4 yolks with 8 Tbl spoons of sugar for about 10 minutes untill you get that creamy consistency.


2. Add mascarpone cheese to it and mix it with the spoon.


3. Now in another bowl, whip the egg whites with a tiny bit of salt (salt stabilizes the whites and adds volume). Use mixer set at medium-high. While you're beating, gradually add the rest of sugar. The foam/cream you'll get need to be pretty hard, can't droop.



4. Mix those 2 creams, that you got, into one. You'll get beautiful creamy mass.


5. Place lady finger biscuits in a form and make them wet with coffee.


6. Cover them with half of the cream you've made.


7. Put another layer of biscuits. Make them wet with coffee as well.


8. Cover it with the rest of the cream.


9. Cover the whole thing with a thin coat of cocoa. It will make it look nice. Put the whole thing to the fridge for 4 hours!


10. This is what it looks like after 4 hours.


11. Enjoy!
