sobota, 29 stycznia 2011

New In

1. The newst watch in my collection, by River Island.
2. Two makeup products, which I wanted for a long time. Viva Glam Cyndi Lauper by MAC and cream blush by NARS.
3. Highlighters by E.L.F.
4.  Rings bought on
5. A book that I'm currently in love with: Style by Lauren Conrad.
6. I don't know how about you guys, but I love getting new socks. These are from H&M.

piątek, 28 stycznia 2011

Feature |

I was interviewed and featured on, a beauty/fashion website. Read it HERE.

sobota, 22 stycznia 2011

Recipe | Guacamole

I was first introduced to guacamole a few years ago when I went to California, USA. It is a Mexican salsa and because there are so many Mexicans in California (as it's a boarding state with Mexico) it would be very strange to live among Mexicans and not try their food.
Well, I love avocados (they are a must in my kitchen) so immediately I fell in love with guacamole and I make it sometimes at home. It's great to snack on. And here's how I make it.

Ingredients: avocados, jalapeño peppers, tomato, lime (I didnt have one so I used lemon), onion, cilantro, salt, pepper

1. First, you need to open avocados and remove the seeds. This is the way I do it using a knife.

2. Then I take the pulp out with a spoon, put it to a bowl and smash it with a fork. I keep it a bit chunky.

3. Add the rest of the chopped ingredients and mix. Add salt and pepper as you like. At the end I like to put one avocado seed back to the bowl with gucamole. It will prevent the avocados from turning brown.

4. Get a pack of tortilla chips and enjoy!

poniedziałek, 17 stycznia 2011

Outfit | Living In a Black & White World

The snow over here just melted and these pictures were taken right before that happened. This is the outerwear you  could see me wearing on a regular winter day. I love this faux sheepskin coat because it's super warm. When it comes to the boots, I was very happy when I got them and they didn't let me down. Can you tell what my favorite store is? :)

coat - Zara
boots - Zara
scarf - Zara
jeans - Zara

You've got questions or requests? Ask them here!

piątek, 14 stycznia 2011

Outfit | What Happens In Fitting Room Stays In Fitting Room

Pictures taken in Zara's fitting room just to catch what I was wearing on the day of shopping. Nothing special, I know. But I'm sharing...

t-shirt - Troll
long cardi - H&M
pants - H&M
boots - Zara

If you have any questions, ask them here.
W razie jakichkolwiek pytań, zadaj je tutaj.

niedziela, 9 stycznia 2011

My Week In Close-Ups

1. On the way. Hoary trees looked so pretty, so I had take a picture.
2. One of my breakfasts: big mug of white coffee and raspberry cream.
3. Rocking red nails.
4. Floating tealight candles.
5. The song I listen to a lot these days. Drake ft. Alicia Keys - Fireworks
6. A close up on my closet.
7. Grocery shopping. Yup, that's what we eat. :)

czwartek, 6 stycznia 2011

A while ago I was contacted by a wonderful Stacy Ray, who offered me one of her beautiful t-shirts! How kind is that!
Well, I picked a short sleeved grey t-shirt with a bullet heart. It arrived to me right before Christmas, so it was a great gift. And I must say I really like it! It's a cool t-shirt, easy to match with other clothes. And here you can see how I wore it the other day; I paired it with high-waisted jeans and a blazer in a vibrant color.
You can see what she offers and order youself a great shirt on StacyRayLA. And what's really wonderful about Stacy and her brand???  She gives away 100% of profits to charity!!! So by buying one of her shirts you're helping as well.
Thank you Stacy for this beautiful t-shirt!

I'm wearing:
t-shirt - Stacy Ray LA
pants - H&M
blazer - H&M
shoes - River Island

poniedziałek, 3 stycznia 2011

Outfit | Fear Rejection, Want Attention, Crave Affection, Dream of Perfection

Here's the outfit I had on before the new year arrived, but I forgot to post the pictures. So I decided to post them now. Hope you like it. And if you have any questions, ask me here.
sweater - Zara
pants - Zara
shoes - local store
belt - Zara
necklace - H&M