piątek, 29 października 2010

Outfit | Fall Day

I'm so happy with the weather nowadays. This year's fall is so sunny and pretty warm in Poland. I love that and don't want winter to come.
You requested a close up picture of my purse, so here you go. :) Hope you like this outfit as well. Enjoy the weekend!

I'm wearing:
blazer - H&M
bodysuit - River Island
jeans - House of Denim
purse - Zara
shoes - Topshop
men's watch - Casio
hair band as a necklace - H&M
leopard print socks - H&M
cross ring - F21

poniedziałek, 25 października 2010

Outfit | Out for Sushi

Who doesn't love sushi, huh? I absolutely love it! It's one of my favorite meals ever. I think I could even eat it everyday. My favorite is California Roll, here known as California Sake.

I'm wearing:
shirt - H&M
leggings - Zara
purse - Zara
biker boots - from London

czwartek, 21 października 2010

Meet My New Babies

Boots from Zara

poniedziałek, 18 października 2010

Outfit | Back To Reality

OK, so I'm officially back to Poland. Back to school. Back to reality. Fall season reached Poland a while ago. So far I can't complain on the weather (don't wanna jinx it) because even though it's cold, it's also sunny. You can put on a long jumper over leggings, boots and you are ready to go. :)

I'm wearing:
jumper - Zara
leggings - Zara
boots - Zara
necklace - H&M
watch - Casio
ring - Topshop
bracelates - Aldo

sobota, 9 października 2010

Spot | Marina Saidia

Entrance gate to the marina.
The gate from the other side after you enter.

Babe and his boys.

We enjoyed Oreos covered in white chocolate. :)

My salad with hearts of palm tree.

His shrimp and avocado panini.

I thought my last post was the last summery one, but I just couldn't resist to blog about our visit at Marina in Saidia the other day. We went there with some friends, took pictures, had lunch and just relaxed. We stayed untill sunset and had a wonderful time.
Oh I just love days like that and thinking of rainy days and me going to college is so frustrating...

środa, 6 października 2010

Outfit | The Roof

I'm wearing:
baggy crop top - Zara
white bodysuit - Gatta
shorts - Zara
shoes - Primark
bag - Primark
watch - Stradivarius

This is propably the last summer outfit on my blog this year. It's kind of sad, but fall collections look interesting as well. 
So, we went to the roof top of our hotel to see the view and take pictures that you can see above. Please excuse no makeup and undone hair. :)
I'm gonna miss summer...