poniedziałek, 28 czerwca 2010

My Photography: Random


swimming pool

środa, 16 czerwca 2010

Staying Fit

Hi everyone!
Ok, so this was a request from a wonderful blogger Kay. So I'm more than pleased to blog about this topic.
Well, I'm not going to write anything about diets and all that crap. These are going to be just tips on what works for me. It won't involve any unrealistic, crazy stuff.
I was thinking how to make this post interesting and what particularly I should share with you. So first I'll just mention a few tips and in a few next post I'll show you exactly what I eat and do etc.

So, I was never fat but back in a day I used to have that puppy fat, you know like on my stomach, face etc. It was when I lived in the United States and was in high school. I was 17, thought I was invincible and could eat so much crap. Yup, that was me.
So then I came back to my homeland, which is Poland and started eating more healthy. First of all, didn't eat so much junk food like fast food and started eating at home mostly. So from then I maintained a healthy diet. So...

1. Of course, I'm not perfect. There are days when I completely don't have time or sometimes forget to have breakfast, but mostly I make sure I have like 3 meals + snacks sometimes.

2. I don't eat so much chips, crackers, crisps and stuff like that, but I'm a sucker for chocolate and sweets. So, if you're gonna have some of the crap food, then have it in the morning when your metabolism is the highst. It's sound little hypocrite with me, cuz I'm usually ok in the morning and need some pick-me-up chocolate in the afteroon or evening. So sometimes I have my favorite candy bar in the evening, but not right before going to bed.

3. Fruits are healthy but don't eat too many of them either, because they are full of sugar. Have veggies instead. Skip grapes which have lots of sugar and pick an apple. Apples are great to have as a snack between meals or great after a main meal, because they help with digesting.
4. If you're going to eat something heavy like pasta or meat, have it for lunch, not for dinner. That's why I gained weight while I was in the US, because it's common there to eat heavy dinners. Big mistake.

5. I don't drink soda at all. All I drink is water, tea (I love tea) and juices. I used to drink coffee from time to time. Right now it's VERY seldom when I do so. I realized my skin is also better when I don't drink coffee.

6. I hate to exercise! I hate the gym, so it's surly not for me. But I try to do some fun activities, like riding a bike when I can. I also love swimming. I think it's my favorite sport, so when I can, and I'm in a mood for swimming, I hit an indoor swimming pool. I want to start some simple excersising at home though for like 15 minutes a day.

7. You have only one life so don't starve yourself and eat whatever you like, just try to keep the balance. Food is the best! I love it :)

Soon, I'll make posts of what I eat daily, maybe some recipes. I'll show you what I have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I actually gained some weight recently, so I'm starting eating healthy again. Start with me! <3

If you have any questions ask me on www.formspring.me/KasiaBelhadri

czwartek, 3 czerwca 2010

DIY: Changing An Old Denim Jacket Into A Cool Vest

Here's anoher DIY project I'm coming with. I bought an old H&M denim jacket in a thrift store. It was too big for me as the size is L. But it costed only 1,60 USD, so I got it. I decided to make a nice, pimped up denim vest out of it.
Here's what I did step by step.
Here's the denim jacket. (Click to enlarge photos)
I cut off the sleeves, but it was still too large from the sides so...
... I marked with a pencil how much I need to cut off from the sides and I did cut them. Then I took a needle and thread and sawed the sides back together.
Ok, now it fits perfectly. But still needs some touch ups.
To pimp it up I used studs and placed them on the shoulders.