czwartek, 29 października 2009

A very cute and touching short story!

A 10 year old boy went to an ice cream shop and asked how much a big cone cost. The waiter said "15 pesos" the boy started counting how much he had in his wallet. Then he asked "how much a small cup costs?" The waiter said "12 pesos". The boy asked for a small cup, he had it and paid the bill, and left. When the waiter came to pick the empty cup, he was touched. The boy had left 3 pesos as a tip for him.

Lesson: try giving something to everyone out of whatever little you have :)

I got this story from Amourous. If you like it as much as I did share it on your blog with your followes.
Thank you Amourous. :)

czwartek, 15 października 2009

Did you know???

A few "Did you know?" facts I found out lately. I've decided to share them with you. Hope you find them interesting as I did. ;)


...that there are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call?

...that a hippo's skin is bulletproof?

...that if the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty?

...that men loose about 40 hairs a day and women loose about 70 hairs a day?

...that your middle fingernail grows the fastest?

...that pork is the world's most widely-eaten meat?

....that botanically speaking, the banana is a herb and the tomato is a fruit?

...that Americans eat twice as much meat as Europeans?

...that the Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book?

...that if California was a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world?